Alternative subtraction for enforced breaks
You can now have missing break times deducted on a floating basis as an alternative to the previous full subtraction. In this case, the maximum time that is subtracted is the time after the cut-off time from which the break is required.
Up to now, you had the option to have missing breaks fully subtracted, i.e. the complete break time that was required according to the settings.
From now on, you can instead select that from a point in time when a break is required, the maximum time that will be subtracted is the time that is above the cut-off time.
Your working time regulation states that a break of 30 minutes is required after a working time of 6 hours.
The current working time is 6:10 hours.
Working time with full subtraction: 5:40 hours
Working time with floating subtraction: 6:00 hours
The floating subtraction may be selected for the period beginning January 1, 2022. This may change times in the co-worker reports for that year. Up to and including December 31, 2021, the full subtraction will always apply to all co-worker reports if you have set a break subtraction.