Our apps

Start workday, record breaks, end workday: time tracking is the heart of Clockodo. Your team uses it as an installed application on Mac/PC or as an offline-capable mobile app.

Clockodo for Mac and Windows

The desktop client is available for both Windows and Mac. So you have access to the Clockodo stopwatch at any time and see directly whether the clock is running or paused. The program automatically detects your absence from the computer and asks upon your return whether the interruption should be counted as working time.

Übersicht mit dem Clockodo Baukasten
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Made in Germany
Capterra Siegel
OMR Top Rated Q1/2025
Mit Clockodo auch unterwegs Zeit erfassen

Clockodo for iOS and Android

The Clockodo stopwatch is made for smartphones and makes it easy for you to record working hours outside the office. And new customers or projects can also be created via the smartphone apps.

Multiple times awarded
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Clockodo Reviews
Made in Germany
Capterra Siegel
OMR Top Rated Q3/2024

Frequently asked questions about our apps

Yes. All entries can be tracked without an internet connection. When access to the Internet is restored, Clockodo synchronizes the entries with the server.

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