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From now on, time entries that overlap will no longer be accounted twice by the work time account. This also applies retroactively for 2023 starting January 1, 2023. For the evaluation of project times, the individual time entries will remain.
From now on, choose whether or not a doctor's sick note is available in the absence "Sick day". This way, responsible parties know that an electronic certificate of incapacity for work is available for retrieval from the health insurance company.
We have said goodbye to the old name, clickbits GmbH, and are now called Clockodo GmbH.
The time journal lists all working time entries and changes. Working hours can thus be better controlled by employers and co-workers and changes can be tracked.
Another year has gone by. With our tips for the turn of the year, you and your time tracking will start easily into 2023.
The stopwatch in the browser is coming up with new features to make your working time tracking easier. The apps will follow shortly.
Activate surcharges now, for example for night work. The system will then automatically add time bonuses to affected work time accounts.
Revised customer list: a better overview thanks to a search field, page numbers and links to customer page. Discover the new features in the customer list!
In the timetable and the list of time entries, there is now a color-coded bar to compare the target hours with the actual working time.
In the timetable, new and existing time entries can now be dragged directly to entries that lie before or after them by holding down the mouse button.