Step-by-Step: Connecting Clockodo with Personio

Do you want to use the interface between Clockodo and Personio? Follow this guide to integrate and use both tools seamlessly.

Create API Access Data in Personio

  1. Log in to your Personio account at
  2. Navigate to the Settings and choose API credentials under the Integrations section.
Settings in Personio

3. Click the blue button labeled Create custom integration on the right-hand side.

4. Enter a name for the integration, such as "Clockodo," and click Next.

5. Define the necessary access rights by checking the appropriate boxes. Select the following access rights:

  • Employees: read
  • Absences: read and write
  • Webhooks: read and write

6. Under Readable employee attributes, choose the following attributes from the dropdown list:

  • Name (preferred)
  • Email
  • Status
  • Hire date 
Access Rights in Personio

7. Click the blue button labeled Create integration.

8. Personio will display your client ID and API Secret.

  • You will need these credentials in Clockodo to establish the connection with Personio. Save these details securely, as they are sensitive information. Ensure they are stored in a safe place.
  • TIP: If you lose access to the client ID or API Secret, you can repeat steps starting from step 3. This allows you to create a new custom integration and save the new credentials.
API data in Personio

9. Click the blue button labeled Finish.

10. You’ve now completed the steps in Personio. Next, switch to Clockodo to continue the setup. 

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